Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reflecting God by Creating

Hi! This is a fun way to pass the time. Its cool to read what your friends and people in your world are thinking. I decided not to do a profile. I figure that the things that are included in this space are my profile.

This is my first entry. I found some stuff I like and so I'm going to blog about it.

Aaron Copland is one of my favorite American composers. (See video clips below.) I have been listening to his music since forever and again this summer. Though I don't know what he thinks about his creativity as it relates to his Creator, I believe that a person who can compose such complicated, moving, and beautiful scores is reflecting the reality of God's presence in the earth. I know there is debate over where this music comes from but I'm not even talking about that right now. I just think this is one of those instances where the reality of the God-head can be clearly seen (heard), being manifested in the things He created.

Beauty has its origins in Heaven. Complex creativity is part of God's nature; feigned beauty, masquerading angels, self-glorifying human composition all have their original untainted source in the Life of God. Before there was feigned beauty, there was Beauty Himself; before angels masqueraded, they were true worshipers of the One. And before humans felt the need for self-glorification, they knew that by creating they were reflecting their Maker. "Be like Us", said God, "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and have dominion..." Reflecting God. Creating.