Saturday, October 13, 2007

success and failure

In my fallen mind (which I use too often, even when I don't want to) there is a nagging desire for a form of success. It is a worldly, inferior success based in fulfilling a longing for being right. But even when I know I'm right about something, its not always the right thing to make sure everyone else knows how right I am. Sometimes being quiet is success.

Rightness (or righteousness) can be a source of failure if the rightness comes from my own standard and not from God's. I have lots of standards. Lots of them are opinions. Lots of them are not God's standards even though I think they are. I parade them around and declare them as if they were God's ideas and that is failure.

Here are some successful rules for avoiding failure. Mind your own business; this works especially well in marriages. Speak into other people's business when God tells you to; this is rare (also good advice for husbands, wives, and parents of teenagers and young adults). Walk in love. Before pointing out people's faults, let love cover their many sins. (Often confused as "the discerning of spirits", finding fault with someone is one of the easiest thing a person can do. Much like pooping, it makes one feel better, lighter perhaps, but there is nothing God-like about it. Truly.)

Finally..."Never quit. Never, never, never quit." (Nev-ahhhh...)


Tami said...

This is great:

"Mind your own business; this works especially well in marriages. Speak into other people's business when God tells you to; this is rare"

If there's one thing that gets under my skin, it's when someone has a "word" for me that comes out of their flesh or emotion and not from God. But then, I guess that's where your third point comes in for me: Walk in LOVE. Good stuff, Mike.

Tami said...

Sorry, just wanted to add balance to my statement...

It's wonderful, on the other hand, to get a word from God through someone who really is hearing from the Holy Spirit on it and speaking accordingly.