Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ask the Experts

We are working on our basement. It has been in process for several long months; including thinking about the layout and saving the money for the work.
I really enjoy this kind of thing. It is fun to sketch out the floor plan and look at some finishing ideas, like what kind of doors we are going to use, what color stain, and what will the floor finish be. We have been doing the same thing with the yard; which is not a priority but in the next several years will take the shape of what we are sketching right now.

I used to hate waiting for things like this and would often rush ahead on impulse and buy and do and fudge on the details and not take advice and usually do a lot of crying in the end about the so-so job and the mountain of bad choices and debt. I learned the hard way that debt and fudging are always regrettable. I have even learned to take advice. Even though it often creates an interruption to the momentum.
("Can't we just hurry and get it done? Like, now? Like, my way?"). In the end, stepping back and listening to the experts and redrawing the plans and reconfiguring the room to make it more useful is actually very rewarding on many levels. (OK, OK. Form really does follow function!!!)

The Kingdom process is like this; mostly a long, slow, deliberate build-out. There is a plan. There is a price. There are experts to consult. The job will get done. Its going to be beautiful!


Lex said...

Word. AND the process itself is often enlightening, and yields some fun stories for that day when "well look back on all this."

I was thinking about the millennial reign in that regard recently. Why 1000 years? It could be done in the blink of an eye if He wanted to, but it's us He's interested in. What He's really doing with those 1000 years is rebuilding us. Process.

Michael Ingham said...

Hmmm... that millenial reign thing again. I was just looking at a blog on a place called "David" (linked through Jeff Ps blog) and he was making some comments about the 1000 years.

It is challenging my thinking and I need to go back and look at what the Word says about that time. I thought I had it all figured out, you know? I love the Word. I love the mysteries. I love searching for treasure.

Tami said...

I still like your form-over-function original design for our LR. I mean, seriously...who needs to see the TV anyway?? TV's bad for your health.