Monday, October 8, 2007

Justice is comfort

I started reading in the book of Isaiah today. It has always been a favorite, along with John, Hebrews, Ephesians, and Psalms. I am reading from the Message, (I know, I know...).

It is such a book of hope. Even the prophetic judgments have a certain hope about them in the overall picture. Hope brings comfort. God's justice is comfort. Jesus said that the Father always judges rightly. He never makes an error in judgment. Never. See what I mean?

At the moment I am not anxious to stand in that place. But if I had to, I know whatever would be determined would be both true and just. Stay close.

1 comment:

Tami said...

Haven't heard a Mike Ingham sermon in a while. Think I'm gonna have to get me some CDs. This is excellent, Mike.